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Price Postfix Text Example: Per Month
Property ID
Parent Property ( If Any ) No Parent 1Bedroom Flamingo 1bedroom Kongoni 1Bedroom Serville 3 Bedroom Nairobi Riverside 3Bedroom Voyager 4Bedroom All Ensuite Nyali 5 Bedroom Villa in Nanyuki 5Bedroom Duplex Kileleshwa FH 2Bedroom Kilimani FH 3Bedroom Villa Nanyuki FH Westland 2 Bedroom Happy Site Villa, Beachfront Marine Holiday House Olepangi Farm Park Marine Estate Beachfront Tembo Court Malindi
Type ApartmentRental
Status NoneFor RentPer Night
Garages or Parking Spaces
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Year Built
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Guests Capacity Example: 4
Minimum Number of Nights to Stay Example: 1
Percentage of Govt Tax Example: 16
Percentage of Service Charges Example: 3
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